Sunday, 23 September 2018


Above long purple velvet boots
Stride shapely legs determined
To walk a unique path

From shoulder swings a purple bag
Contents can be guessed or not
Somethings are better left alone.

On her head perhaps a purple hat
Her gloved hand may one day hold
A walking aid to strike railings loud

Time will tell if all this comes true
I make bold to predict
A fun future of eccentric liberty

For She who wears well Purple !

© MRL  Sept 23rd 2018

Saturday, 18 August 2018


I grappled with dappled plum pie

consumed fruity dished depths

Slurping sweet sickly treat 

that clung to chin quickly

a greedily gobbled dessert

And now my belly hurts.

© MRL August 2018

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Conformity never a fault of mine

It was all so long ago those other lives of mine
I was a son to parents that I did not understand
A pupil for teachers to lead me by the nose
To policeman who stopped to interrogate my moves
They’re now all gone, the authoritarians to their graves
While I in my preciousness am still alive, always a rebel !

Independent thought is my means to find another way
Look at old problems turn them on their head
Every scene looks better when turned up side down
Life is a spiral they say, except that I jumped its lines
My indomitable spirit threw away their rule book
For conformity has never been a fault of mine.

I am and shall remain on the outer edges of the lines
Escaping by forms that go beyond expectations
Living the life of freedom, committed to eccentricity
Challenging political nonsense, lifting lids peering
Beyond the stale and stalled to seek an alternative
Prance ostentatious ? Yes that it may be but mine!

I seek not followers, for lead I shall not
Other than to encourage you to find freedom
To think and inwardly deliberate on how to abscond
Those chains of command, rules and obdurate laws.
For I drank before my birth from a cup that screamed
Loudly of Liberty!

   © MRL 22/02/2018