Friday, 14 September 2012

No. 09-2012 A Billion Light Years Away

A Billion Light Years Away

My true creation memory.
I was born from a fat cream cloud
that swooped in a gentle curve earthwards
Accompanied by a long note
torn from a scream - Mine
Me, a solitary thing knowing no kin
deposited alone in an alien world
Where earthlings invent comfort zones
boundaries, borders, counties & religions
All controlled with creeds of peace and love
in practice the opposite is The Law
A punishment planet where poverty feeds
rich power hungry A1 dynasties
Who exert their force over all dominions
(mineral, plant, animal & human life)
Alone at night I stand naked under stars
looking at my true home planet
A billion light years away.

©MRL 14-09-2012


  1. Tristram said: of such is the intuitive philosophy of the
    in myriad profusion as they dance
    while Earth in ego-centris daze
    gives our lives but rarist glance

    whilst near O nearer the Gates will open
    and Aquarius mayhap sees these lives yet Hopin'

    then great brother Druids and all ; soft we tred
    to see a place for war weary head
    past winter's solstice we seek our fate in welcome rest
    forward then in earnest pace we'll keep our be
    the best

    SIR good Mel your wisdom doth a trouble break
    thankee good friend twas a gloomy day at

  2. Whenever this planet seems to have fooled me into taking it too seriously I like to go and sit on the Moon. Once settled on a tartan rug, with a Marmite sandwich and a flask in hand, I oik out the binoculars and watch the hoards rushing around below like termites with squeaky voices, filmed in the manner of a Keystone Cops production. It puts things back into perspective and scale.

  3. "All controlled with creeds of peace and love
    in practice the opposite is The Law
    A punishment planet where poverty feeds
    rich power hungry A1 dynasties
    Who exert their force over all dominions
    (mineral, plant, animal & human life)"

    Moon here we come!

  4. I can't agree more - too many boundaries and borders too many comfort zones! Terrific write :D

  5. So pleased to have come across you blog Mr. Heron. Your poems find resonance with me and thanks for letting them to be free to share. I do a little blog myself and I will certainly be re-posting a poem of yours now and again, with credit and link of course. )O(

  6. With all we should know
    Will we ever learn?
