Sunday, 5 October 2014

National Poetry Day Ireland & UK

Self giving a poetry reading in an annexe of Birr Library.

National Poetry Day 2014

On October 2nd I gave an hour long poetry reading to a group of sixteen year old students from St Brendan's Community School in the library at Birr in celebration of the National Poetry Day.

For further details please visit

Monday, 15 September 2014

In memory

In memory 
or a new take on 
Cider with Rosie.

Dressed in black she cuts no slack
She totters along full of Gin
Glassy eyed and very thin
She keeps her clothes in a bin

I knew her once full of bounce
The over brave she would trounce
Designer clothes full of colour
Or was that her brother?

Was his name Phil, Jim or Mark
No matter both good for a lark
When lots cider pints were cozy
At the bar with Mark and Rosie.

      © MRL Sept 2014

Sunday, 31 August 2014



In bed with arm up stretched a slow coolness slips
silkily slowly to cross palm with gentle comfort.

No human hand this, well not alive in a real sense
nor a nightly dream, a gift, a touch delivered unseen.

Her aura a delicate bouquet, a floral fragrance floats
smoothly silently riding above dark waves of night.

Just as a beach is I too am smoothed settled to sleep
Tended by unknown sylph till daylight breaks her spell.

         © MRL August 2014

Monday, 31 March 2014


I have been asked to do a poetry reading  

I asked on what date 

She said on national poetry day

I bowed my head in gratitude

For this was something I never knew

To think in all my years of scribbling

When I wrote October is Golden

that this is what it meant!

And not the tumbling bronze leaves

nor the demise of a dear friend.

Where shall I start 

chronologically perhaps

At the beginning

When in my head two part lines tumbled

On searching they were never found

"through green swards we walked..

..lovers in a dew scented forest"

Timid,afraid of plagiarism

They were never used

Not even now not owned by me

Nor cannot be

Even though they echo in my head

Perhaps some literary buff

an academic of renown

Will quote from a long forgotten

little known dusty historic ode

To bring me down and into shame.

[to be on October 2nd 2014]

©MRL 31-03-14

Sunday, 26 January 2014

An Ode to Winter Gales

I hear high hitched on Leinster wires witches whine 

Ugly hags no mother ever conceived nor father sired
Tormented unbodied things born of wild restless winds
Whose shrill screams storm my equilibrium to shreds.

©MRL 26-01-2014

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Moon Is...

Moon is 
Oval ivory white
A sensuous glow
Who sits in quiet
At least
Tempts one
To believe so
                       She is an Earthy Woman

©MRL 15-01-2014