Sunday, 8 August 2021


In early morn at 3 a.m. before a day is born

Clear thoughts transmit clarity - minds mystical magic

As deep understanding rides tranquil waves alive.

Pure Love exists entire empathy, compassion, selfless - ness

Dead: controlling ego, gone singular anger, anxiety, greed.

Birthed: universal love lives

Floating free are we who have lost the inhibited me.

© MRL August 2021 


  1. A cogent and beautiful poem. Takes me way back. I 1970 I was taking a college course in western religion from friend and prof.,Chas. Winquist --CSU Chico. We were discussing a Paul Tillich idea:" Astonishment is the root of philosophy." Winquist called it "...the 2 o'clock in the morning experience." Allowing for Daylight Savings Time, I'd say you're both right.

  2. Many thanks for your recognition.
