Wednesday, 14 September 2011

2011 -

Old Ways

In our dreams.
We soften often old rustic life.
to live under a cosy thatch,
drink water from a spring well,
warmed by log fires
bake bread on hearth,
sit with doors unlatched
scratch pictures on frosted glass
And never mind the Rats!

©MRL 19 - 09 - 2011


A Birthday Greeting to a Lady Lawyer

May the sunlight glisten in your hair
bringing warmth to your heart;
let the moonlight bathe you
with gentle caresses
and the starlight
put twinkles in your eyes.

© MRL 13- 09 - 2011


  1. Fabulous - what a lucky lady :)

  2. i love "Old Ways" quite lovely...

  3. You make the old ways seem so charming and cosy - how I wish I was around then.

  4. Ygraine said: "Ah, how I wish I could live these old ways. Why did I have to be born too late?"

  5. Like the Old Ways, we're living them here but under stone roof. You have captured it all.

  6. Carmel D said: I love this poem! It is like being there in the cottage and being in the magical realm experiencing its secrets all at once. Beautiful!
